Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Honda Shine 125cc

The bike of choice in Kathmandu, Honda Shine is a simple bike with all features necessary for a person in real need of a motorbike for official or business purpose. It comes in low budget, has a great mileage of more than 50 km per litre (which lasts a long time),excellent pick up and power, less maintenance and a durable engine.

Its not a bike for show off and has a very small rear Tyre in comparison to the power and pick up it carries. So, the rear Tyre slips a lot whenever the braking is hard and quick. This bike came into Ktm market at around 22 lot and the initial lots were very much better than the latter ones. The bikes till around BA 39 Pa are of best quality and after that the quality has gone down a bit. The main problem in Shine is its Chain Spoket(holds only about 10000 km at max)and the shock or fork as seen  in most bikes.


  1. I agree with your views and I think its a best option for working class who needs a high mileage bike with adequate looks.

  2. I need good condition honda shine 125 cc ...
